Montgomery Optometrists were the first optometrists in East Lothian to introduce night time contact lenses in a therapy called Ortho K (Orthokeratology). This is a vision correction therapy that uses contact lenses to remould the cornea while you’re sleeping to give clear, comfortable vision so that you don’t need to wear contacts during the day.
You wear precision gas permeable lenses to reshape your cornea while you’re asleep. This gives you perfect vision during the daytime, and you won’t need to wear spectacles or contact lenses.
It is a painless, convenient, low risk and non-surgical alternative to laser eye treatment.
With Ortho K correcting contact lenses like Nocturnals™ there are no more restrictions on how long you wear your lenses, no more irritation in dry, smoky environments, and no dry eyes at the end of a long day.
Ask us about Ortho K noctural contact lenses today and transform your eyesight.
Ortho K Nocturnals™ are ideal for short-sighted people who:
Ortho K night time contact lenses have in fact been around for some 40 years, but have only recently come into their own as a result of advances in corneal topographers, lens materials and laser manufacturing systems.
Please call us or email us today if you want to see whether Nocturnals™ would work for you.